Sunday, October 16, 2005


A good pitcher in Jeff Suppan, a nervous Brandon Backe for the Astros, and good bats of Albert Pujols and Reggie Sanders...

So why did manager Tony LaRussa and center fielder Jim Edmonds get ejected?

I promise you, I was mad as much as I would be with Kings Island announcing it would remove many of its large coasters to become a full fledged family park (the KI scenario only being a hypothetical situation)

Either it was bad luck, or there were umpires looking for their 15 minutes of fame, by intentionally making some ass backwards calls.

BUT... just like I'm optimistic of my home park getting that dreamy B&M hyper or floorless. I am optimistic that the Cardinals will beat Pettitte, leave Houston with a win, and beat the Astros and Clemens in games 6 and 7 at Busch!

Just in... whoever wins the NLCS will play American League Champion Chicago Wite Sox! The Sox just defeated Anaheim in Game 5 at Angel Stadium, 5-3.


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