Saturday, October 08, 2005

Church Sign Generator

While browsing the forums of the Glenn Beck Insider, I saw another one of those funny sign generators... this time, church signs.

If you are a Simpsons fan, like myself, you have noticed the many humorous messages found on the marquee at the First Church of Springfield.

Now there ChurchSignGenerator.comthe webmaster was found some church marquees he either found on the Internet or in person, the signs all funny, whether or not they intended to be. He started this site to let people make their own church signs, as well as see some of those actual signs that give congregations some fame.

Here are some of my 'creations.'

From The Simpsons:

For all who listen to some national radio show on Friday mornings:

And for sports lovers like myself:

1 comment:

Nice Guy said... has 50 other similar type sign generators (church sign, Simpson sign generator too) to use a electronic greeting cards (ecards).