Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Politics: It's Pepper vs. Mallory for Mayor.

The residents of the Queen City voted, and their top two choices finished almost equally. On top was councilman David Pepper (D), with 31 percent. In second place, also in 31 percent, but with about 500 less votes than Pepper, was Mark Mallory (D), state Senator.
In third place was Charlie Winburn (R), with around 21 percent. While being endorsed by conservative groups, as well as the Cincinnati FOP, Winburn could not match Pepper or Mallory.
Vice Mayor Alicia Reece (D) had some good showing with 15 percent. Pop singer Justin Jeffre (I) receieved 2 percent.

Even though Pepper and Mallory are Democrats, city conservatives are split among the two. Pete Witte of Price Hill is in support of Pepper, while some lean toward Mallory who has earned bi-partisan support in Columbus. On an Enquirer graphic, Pepper won districts on the eastern and western neighborhoods, who are largely white, like Pepper, while the more central districts, mainly black, chose their likeness in Mallory. Is it possible that Mallory will garner a wide amount of support, politically and racially, or will they prefer the young charisma of David Pepper, with great name recognition and positive reputation on council?


.- said...
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Tom Allen said...

Once again, we have readers who fail to understand the PREMISE of the AAblog. In this case, please share your thoughts about Cincinnati, mayroral candidates, local politics, etc.
This is NOT the forum to get into class warfare or play the race card. Especially about one of the worst NATURAL disasters to hit our country.

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