Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Trip Report: Cedar Point 9/16

This was my first time going to Cedar Point on a Bonus Weekend, as well as a fall Friday, so it was weird seeing some of my favorite rides closed, like Gemini, Sky Ride, and Space Spiral, but it wasn't bad at all. The short staffing (mainly due to college students who commute to Sandusky that night) was alotted for the more popular rides. I arrived just after opening time, 6pm, but missed the Joe Cool ERT on Millennium Force, but that was not too much an issue, knowing the light crowds that night.

I started at Magnum XL-200 (2 trains), and did 2 rides, one in front, and another in back. The final bunny hops that are loaded with airtime are handled differently. If you ride in 1-2 or 1-3, the air is more severe ejector-style, but in back, the air is more gradual-floating style.

Top Thrill Dragster was closed for maintenance issues that may keep it closed for remainder of 2005, and Corkscrew was not on the open rides list. So it was Power Tower, which only ran 2 towers, one of each up and down launches. I waited a bit more to do the down shot.

Next was Blue Streak (one train), once in very front, and another time near front. Again, this is a surprisingly smooth, air-filled wood coaster, even after the 'restraint neutering.'

Raptor (2 trains) was a walk-on, except for front seat, which I waited for my fourth time. This is truly a B&M masterpiece.

In place of TTD, CP opened Wicked Twister. The last couple years, I had problems fitting in the restraints, and had my doubts. But this time? Two rides! One near front, another near back! To me, the best part is reaching the pinnacle of the twisting towers, but I still prefer the classic out and back coasters... But what a relief to finally get on an Intamin OTSR inverted again!

I had read on CedarPoint.com that they kept a door to the Coliseum Ballroom unlocked, and believe it or not, they were truthful, as I got the chance to go in, take some pictures, and play one of those songs from the Xanadu soundtrack on my iPod. This is a very beautiful structure, with Art Deco interior, and should be kept for decades to come, even after Cedar Point gives up on coasters (hopefully never). After that, I checked out the Big Johnsonville Big Taste Grill, and got a brat, chips, and drink for $4, a great deal considering park food, especially CP.

Then out of the 1930s and into the 2000s... with Millennium Force. Another tandem, one near front, another near back. I admit it is not my favorite CP coaster, but definitely one of the best! The airtime is more floater type, and MF was the longest wait of the night because... it is so popular, folks.

WildCat and Iron Dragon (2 trains)were both available, so I did those twice as well. Iron Dragon is a more of a relaxing ride, so it is great for the bigger yet weary coaster riders to start with. WildCat, however, is one of the best miniature compact steel coasters around (A. Schwarzkopf design, so no surprise here). A little air, very fast yet smooth, and no braking until the end! I did both of them, twice each.

It was closer to midnight, so another try on Power Tower (up,) then back to Magnum for 4 more rides. I have to say it's a tie for Gemini and Magnum for favorite CP coaster. After they booted me off 'Maggie' for the last time, it was off to my hotel in Milan on 250 near the Turnpike, which I picked as I needed to get to Ann Arbor, MI for the cornerstone of my trip.

I saw Jim (from Philadelphia?) there, so here's a shout-out to him.

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