"I brought you into this world, I can take you out!"
"Ignorance is no defense."
"Don't tell anybody, but she's not a very good cook!"
"My mother's on crack!"
"I have to give you a few more soundbytes before I get out of office, so that I can live in infamy!"
"It's not my jurisdiction."
"That's true."
"I got you started in this business, I can take you out, Willie!"
"You’re going to get a tongue-whipping!"
"It's time for it to stop!"
"You got that taping thing going on, that I always hear what I say later?"
"I’ve got this plantar wart I have in my foot."
"We’re going to get a bus, and some 40s!"
"You always make it sound like there's some of payoff here!"
"I could not be more excited!"
"Be careful what you wish for!"
"You know that?"
"I would do it every year!"
"That’s right!"
"It’s scary, isn’t it?!"
"In this particular case, you seem to be wavering a bit."
"I think I’m going to leave my keys on the desk!"
"I’m just as horrified about it as everybody else!"
"Wal-Mart can track a pair of socks, and you guys can’t track a train car that’s got a dangerous chemical in it, for a half a year?!"
"I love everybody!"
"I think it's time that we blow something up!"
"I picked up a woman at a bar, took her home and had sex with her, and it may be more detailed than that."
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