Saturday, April 14, 2007

SNL Maya Anthem lyrics

Joe Buck: (Sudeikis) It's Game Five of the World Series at the new Busch Stadium in Downtown St. Louis. (Aerial and outside shot of new Busch shown before shoing the booth)
And it's just about time to sing the national anthem.
Tim McCarver: (Samberg?) That's right Joe. And singing tonight is Pamela Bell, winner of local grocery store Schnucks Anthem Idol contest.
Buck: I hear the girl can sing.
McCarver: Well, let's go to the field.
PA Announcer: (Hammond?) Ladies and Gentlemen, here tonight to honor our country by singing the national anthem, Please welcome Pamela Bell!

Pamela Bell: (Maya Rudolph)
Oh... say... 'an oo 'ee
By the dawn's early liightt...
D'what.. so proudly we hail-ail-ail-ed
At the twilight's.. last gleaming
Whose broad stripes... and right roars
(Gibberish in place of 'through the perilous fight')
O'er the ramrods... we watched
Mumbles 'were so gallantly streaming'
Speaking: And the rocket's... red glare
The bombs bursting... up in the air!
(pinches) Gave a little ploop
(Singing) Through the ba-night
That our flag was still there (wavering)
For it's one, two, nee strikes you're out
And the home... ay-yi-yi-yi.....
(Buck and McCarver picking ears, in disbelief)
The bra aaa aaaa (like a bee) vve...
B to the R to the A to the V to the E
B-B-B-B-B (engine stuttering) - Braaavve!!!
Thank you!

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