Saturday, April 02, 2005

John Paul II: 1920-2005

According to a Vatican e-mail, "The Holy Father died this evening at 9:37 p.m. in his private apartment." This was a far different kind of communication to the media from the Vatican, than when the last Pope died in 1978.

Why does the world grieve?
He was the only one that was Pope for as long as I have lived, as well as so many in this world.
He was one of the greatest thinkers and authors of his time.
He, among other leaders, helped bring the Berlin Wall and communism down.
He strongly opposed socialism and communism, while criticizing capitalism (even though he understood the free market).
He opposed wars while advocating the protection of the unborn.
He went against pop culture movements to righfully uphold tradition.
He touched the wealthy and not-so wealthy, and reached to those of other faiths.

I am sure now that the man born Karol Joseph Wojtyla is now with his Lord, and belongs to the ages.

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